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As a musical artist, I love to express   thus to be fostered. David also encour-   References:
      my artistic vision by drawing parallel ideas   aged  others  with  musical  giftings,
      from King David. What I am inspired from   provided  resources  for  them  and        1.  Copland, Aaron. What to Listen for in Music /Aaron Copland. Whittlesey
      David was as an artist and specifically as a   established systems in place towards an   House, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1939.
      musician, David amalgamated his music-   wholesome  musical  experience  in           2.  Mooney, D.Jeffrey (David Jeffrey). “Toward a Holistic Biblical Theology of
      ianship  as  a  powerful  tool  in  his  kit  to   worship.                              Christian Worship.” Southwestern Journal of Theology, vol. 63, no. 1, Fall
      effectively  execute  various  offices  that                                             2020, pp. 53–79. EBSCOhost,
      God  called  him  into.  Music  was  a  key   Although, there has been a growing
      component of David's faith life personally   acceptance of a theatrical visual and sonic   231000428&site=ehost-live.
      and corporately irrespective of his stage   presentation that provides licence for the   3.  The Bible, Revised Standard Version,
      or circumstance in life - shepherd, court   artist's personality to shine through, one   4.  Andrews, H. K. “Christianity and Beauty: Music in Christian Worship.”
      musician,  king,  worship  leader,  broken   needs  to  be  discerning  of  the  thin  line   Modern Churchman, vol. 35, no. 4–6, July 1945, pp. 179–184. EBSCOhost,
      father,  hunted  fugitive  and  a  repentant   when that crosses the line of taking away
      sinner convicted of adultery and murder.   all glory due to God. There also needs to     6837&site=ehost-live.
      Personally David, and through his artistic   be conscious discernment of the material   5.  Hustad, Donald P. “Music for Worship, Evangelism, and Christian
      works,  people  in  his  time  and  for   rewards  and  the  business  model  infra-     Education.” Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 117, no. 468, Oct. 1960, pp. 301–312.
      generations , even now have been able to   structure  built  around  certain  worship    EBSCOhost,
      flow  through  the  three  musical  planes   styles  and  genres  that  propagate  or
      (discussed  in  the  previous  section)   advance that particular model as some-         9887&site=ehost-live.
      seamlessly  before  they  transcend  to  a   thing  to  be  emulated  by  the  universal   6.  `Anderson, E.Byron. “Music in Christian Worship: At the Service of Liturgy.”
      space of spiritual vulnerability to let the   Church not accounting for all the other    Worship, vol. 80, no. 2, Mar. 2006, pp. 182–184. EBSCOhost,
      Holy Spirit work in them. It helped David   aspects  discussed  in  this  article  (and
      and others, including me, overcome fear,   more).                                        7824&site=ehost-live.
      loss, guilt, doubts of identity and value of
      self and shun self glory.              Every  believer  and  especially  the
                                         musically  gifted  ones,  I  believe  is  then
         In David's use of music in worship, we   called to be an artist with a heart to use   Themes
      also  observe  that  it  never  lacked  in   music as a persuasive tool to glorify God
      expressions,  emotions  or  exploration.  It   through  effective  storytelling  to  evang-
      also  involved  an  authentic  usage  of   elize, educate and harmonize the spirit in
      cultural incorporation in lyrical composit-   corporate worship. Thus music would play
      ion  and  even  instrumentation.  This   a  wholesome  role  in  Christian  Worship    Education and                      Education and
      teaches  us  a  valuable  lesson  in  our   building faith in the lives and souls of the             CREATION                      the FALL
      understanding and subsequently creation   listener, even minuscule as a seed but that
      of worship music. We need to appreciate   which is transformative and ever growing
      the relevance, importance and necessity   and leading them to Jesus.
      of music from different genres, cultures
      and messages as long as it is in accord-                                               Education and                     Education and
      ance with God's Word and brings glory to                                                      REDEMPTION                        RESTORATION
      Him. This outlook then helps us to explore
      different ideas creatively to utilise music
      as a persuasive tool that brings life to the
      messages burning within each anointed
      musician to surface and overflow into a   Mr. Judah Jebadas Michael (M. Div)
      channel of blessing and exhortation that   Canada Christian College & School of Graduate
      edifies  others  in  worship.  Versatility  is   Theological Studies
      ETF     chalk and chai    OCT-DEC 2022                            18              ETF     chalk and chai    OCT-DEC 2022                            19
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